Don’t edit your imagination.
The day you allow the mediocre voices around you to seep into your imagination, you sabotage your dream.
Build strong walls to ward off the cynical, discouraging and negative people.
Don’t stop being crazy.
The Worldly Wisdom of Charlie Munger
Charlie Munger
Don’t edit your imagination.
The day you allow the mediocre voices around you to seep into your imagination, you sabotage your dream.
Build strong walls to ward off the cynical, discouraging and negative people.
Don’t stop being crazy.
If you’re pursuing something as a means to something else, you are probably on the wrong track.
Pursue something because it fascinates you, because the pursuit itself engages and compels you.
Choose work, not for the money or fame it brings, but for the work itself – work that’s the labour of love. It’s the expression of life force inside you. Your work will be who you are.
When you do that, you won’t have to work a single day in your life. You won’t have to ‘go to the work’, you will literally ‘tap dance to work’.
And if you haven’t found that ‘kind of work’, then keep looking. It’s closer than you think.
Stay in a healthy environment.
You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life. Break away from the clutches of cynical and energy sapping gossip mongers.
Open the windows, let the sun shine in. Put on some good uplifting music. Find somebody happy to cheer you. Get around people who will inspire you to rise higher.
Create a healthy and positive environment for yourself.
Your focus determines your future.
Cars have a large windshield, but only a relatively small rear view mirror. While driving you look ahead most of the time and look behind occasionally.
Life is designed like that too. What happened in your past is not nearly as important as what is in your future.
Stop looking at the door that closed behind you and step through the door in front of you.
Let go of the past. Start pressing forward.
Life may knock you down, but don’t get knocked OUT. Don’t let the disappointments and the unfair treatment keep you down.
You’re a victor not a victim.
Get back up, dust yourself off, put your shoulders back, look in the mirror and say, “I’ve come too far to stop now. The game isn’t over until I win.”
It’s not the end yet. Keep pressing. Keep believing.