Do you know the three most beautiful words in this world?
Okay, let me give you some hints.
- These ring a bell when spoken together.
- These involve the two most-closest people in the world, and the bond they share.
- These are spoken ‘Wo ie ni’ in Chinese, ‘Ich liebe dich’ in German, and ‘Je t’aime’ in French.
- These signify the willingness of the speaker to do anything for the listener, but without the former asking or wanting anything from the latter.
- These imply a sense of completeness.
- These create the ability within the speaker and the listener to see past their egos.
- These bind us – as individuals and societies – together.
- These don’t mean that the speaker won’t lie to the listener.
- These don’t mean that the speaker won’t hurt the listener.
- These don’t mean that speaker will provide for the listener.
- These just mean that at the very moment of being spoken, when the listener looks into the speaker’s eyes, their hearts swell and beat faster.
- These just mean that at the very moment of being spoken, the speaker’s and the listener’s souls are drawn to each other.
Just these three words!
I speak these to my wife and kids each day.
A simple…‘I love you!’
Have you spoken these words lately? If not, do it now!
You are amazing…and I love you!